Get Involved In The Conversation & Discover

Discovery hours are all about conversation and debate on marketing related topics. We look to expand thinking around the role marketing plays in a business and spark debate that helps businesses explore ideas and opportunities.

Get Involved In The Conversation & Discover Get Involved In The Conversation & Discover

Free Discovery Hour

Come and chat with our team:

  • Join us as we feature a recent news article that relates to an aspect of the marketing process 

  • Share how marketing is going for you and any challenges you might face

  • Network with like-minded professionals

If you are motivated to find out more or simply curious about what debating this kind of thing could do for you and your business, come and see. 

Look out for the conversation summary being featured on our channels following the session, so to have your say, come along and get involved!

Book Your Place Today

Discovery Hour

Thursday 5th September '24, Darlington Business Centre

We Can't Wait To Meet You!

Marketing Discovery Hour At Button HQ